What you need to know about these beneficial “bugs” and how they keep your family healthy.
Free Educational Teleseminar on April 9, 2014
UPDATE 07/01/20: Although this live call happened years ago now, you can still use my Contact Me form to request the recording – it was full of such great info from Czerral that is still relevant today.
Everyone seems to be talking about probiotics these days, but do you find yourself…
- Wondering what they are and why you need them?
- Wondering when you should take them and what form is best (empty stomach or full, capsule, powder, liquid…)?
- Confused by all the probiotic products on the market today?
- Wondering about bacteria counts and if you really “get what you pay for” with probiotics?
- Concerned about genetically modified or cheaply mass produced strains cultured in questionable media?
- Wishing you could get answers to these questions and more by talking with a world expert in probiotics?
On April 9th, I will be interviewing Czerral, a pioneer in superfoods and probiotics, and creator and formulator of certified organic prebiotic probiotic fermented superfoods (COPPFS). With 35 years of leadership in the health food industry, Czerral offers a vast wealth of knowledge and insight to everyone joining our call. Get the knowledge you need to evaluate your probiotic options in general and also learn about the advantages of certified organic prebiotic probiotic fermented superfoods, such as InLiven and Fast Tract (which have made huge differences in my health).
Back by popular demand and having been so greatly received before, I am delighted to be hosting another one of these teleseminars. I greatly appreciate Czerral’s real-food-only perspectives, his knowledge, insight, experience, and most of all, his genuine desire to truly help people through his work.
Join us on Wednesday afternoon, April 9th, at 2:00 PM US Eastern time for this live educational interview. There will be time for Q&A as well.
To receive all the details and reminders for the call, register using the form below. If you cannot attend the call live, you can still register to receive a recording of the call afterward. With your registration, you will also receive complimentary access to all my other free label reading resources.
We look forward to “seeing” you on the call! 🙂
Czerral is a pioneer and expert in superfoods and probiotics, from New Zealand, dedicated to helping people achieve lasting health through organic nutrition and a balanced relationship with their beneficial bacteria.
Lacey is a mother of six from New Jersey, passionate about natural health and ethical business, who enjoys consulting from home with people on these topics both in general and on behalf of Miessence.